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1-8 of 8 messages displayed
8. [oneloveonecow]  (26.09.2017 08:14)
kas ir vērtīgākais ko esi atradis ?

7. Janis Dreimanis [sawejais]  (06.02.2012 18:31)
offkorse man we make big digg. smile

6. DRAGOS KYOSU ROMANIA   (06.02.2012 14:02)
see you on spring mate to dig some history biggrin

5. Janis Dreimanis [sawejais]  (04.02.2012 21:30)
protams gatel wink es ar no liepajas,tagad jau ziema viss sasalis jagaida pavasaris tad jau kautko sastukosim smile

4. Gatels   (04.02.2012 15:46)
lab lap esi uztaisijs ja vajag kompanjonu raksana pado zinj uz e past! es no liepajas puses!

3. Janis Dreimanis [sawejais]  (28.01.2012 11:20)
Paldies Ikar tagad ari pie taa piestradaaju wink

2. 007(Ikars)   (28.01.2012 10:51)
+1 jauka lapa veidojas,ar ko ari apsveicu.
,,bet,nu vēlams tekstus dublēt arī LV valodā..

1. Janis Dreimanis [sawejais]  (18.01.2012 17:41)
Hello people,friends diggers hello This is my first website about ww2 militaria digging in my country expessaly in kurland pocket,if you dont understand some thinks dont wory my personal website is under construction im working now to create simple website.In this website you can find many interesting things about ww2 militaria digging you see the gallery photos,videos,you can add comments of each photo and offcorse add text to the quest book you can tell me what i need to do to make t6his website better. good


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